Intuitive soul whisperer     Inspirational speaker and Past Life Expert & Therapist
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Soul Freedom Therapy ®
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Soul Freedom Awakening  2024

   Sessions Daily ONLINE  Skype & Phone Healing Emotional Akashic Records

1-1 Past Life Regression Sessions in Glastonbury, Cheshire, Cornwall, London


All Sessions delve into Past Lives, Inner Child, Ancestral Healing  all included Light Languages 





Mission Statement of Love 2000 - 2024 and Beyond...

Only by understanding the peace in our hearts can we achieve peace on earth, where violence ceases to exist, and where we respect and honour each other in love and unity.

Life is not that complicated, it’s just we humans make it harder than it need be.

Once you open up to your true inner wisdom life becomes easier, and your path, a horizon of great potential.

It is not always important what happens in your life,  what is vital is that we learn the lessons. We have the ability to turn a negative into a positive, the key to true happiness.

My intention is to assist those who come to me to find their ‘truth’, their direction and their inner power - to help you release old patterns and beliefs and walk with confidence  along the path of life ahead.

You may walk in the path of darkness or you may walk holding the diamond of life, allowing the facets to illuminate your way into the light of life ......

Love Light & Twinkles

Andrea signature

Founder - Soul Freedom Therapy ® 

TV's Past Life Regression Expert. Soul Freedom Therapy. Guided Meditations. Intuitive Visionary. Evolving  Consciousness with  Illuminated Beings of Light & Pleiadian, Sirius B ( Blue Beings)  Star Lineages. Inner Child Healing . Ancestral Healing. Soul Light Language Sound Healing 

Below you will find some of my enlightening videos some from my time on " This Morning" tv show on ITV & 2 series of " Have I Been Here Before? as well are my own inspirational  videos and other tv shows.

Join Andrea as she explains Past lives to Soul Freedom thus ending the karmic cycle. Learn how this therapy can help us in this life and also prepare us for the next.

What if you've been here before?
Do you ever think about this? Perhaps you've had a dream and you think, This really doesn't feel like the first time I've been on this planet. 



This video clip  is an example of TV Past Life Regression and is  not representative of the deeper healing in my one to one sessions - Soul Freedom Therapy®  
I have regressed thousands of clients in over 26,000 hours of regression into  private past lives, inner child healing, Ancestral healing and Spirit Release in a loving manner since 2000 and over 60 celebrities for TV Shows. Snippets which can be seen on Youtube. 

Introduction to " Soul Light Language" channelled  vibrational clearing and recalibrating your vibrational energy field by sending a vibration to start the  clearing of  karmic Past lives, Ancestral Patterns, Fragmented Inner Child  clearing through my Soul Star " Higher Self" " Star Beings, Pleiadian, Blue Beings, Mer -Being Andromedan, Venusian, Lyran and your "Authentic HigherSelf" into 2024 and Beyond. Connecting you with your original Divine Soul Blueprint to remember who you truly are....


ALL CLIPS on YOUTUBE Click on here to read about celebrities Past Lives on Series 1 & 2 of "Have I been here before?"

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